Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Meet the newest member of our family

This is Jasmine(Alyssa named her after Princess Jasmine). Ok So we now have 2 kids, dogs and a hamster...I am at my max. I was very hesitant in getting Jasmine because we are so busy and always seem to be on the go I thought it would not be fair to her, but then again poor Belle is alone alot and could use a friend too.

Jasmine was given to us because a woman that Kyle works with had a living situation change and was going to have to take her to the animal shelter, and I just could not let a cute little mini pincher(pure breed by the way) be sent there. So Saturday Kyle went and picked her up and surprised the kids. She is only 9 months old so we still have time to train her.I am glad now that we did decide to take her in, she is actually a very good dog so far and Alyssa and Ethan love her!!

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