Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lent 2011.....

So I have been talking to a friend of mine for about the past week trying to figure out what I should give up for Lent and tonight, my friend Alisha was reading a blog and found the best idea ever:

40 days of Blessing Others......

These blessings can be small, They don't have to be extravagant. Here are some of the bloggers ideas, not sure I will use all of them but I will update daily on the blessings I give!!

Cook my children's favorite meal
Do a chore that is normally my husband's
Send a note of encouragement to someone
compliment a stranger
give a waitress a truly generous tip
Allow someone in front of me while waiting in line
Visit someone who is lonely
Offer to babysit a friends children
Make a double batch meal and bring the left overs to a friend
Make an extra donation to charity
Put I love you notes in my children's lunches
Give someone your smile

I am not sure what else I will add to my list I think I will just let it "come" to me on each day and I will update my blog to share my daily blessings...starting tomorrow.

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