I had to give this cake it's own post!!! Andrea and Becky had never in their lives made a cake like this, or one that required them to use "tips". I feel honored that they took 5 hours..yes 5 hours to make me this cake. I don't know that I have ever spent that much tie making a cake for a birthday party. This was their gift to me...their time. I know as well as anyone else is time is precious. I never have enough time to do the things that I need to let alone the time to do the things I want to do. I love them both so much!! I hope they both know how much I truly appreciated my cake and trust me not only does it look good it taste good too! I loved the cake and the palm tree is an example of all our personalities. Love you both thanks again for the great cake and the great weekend.

FYI: They will not be taking orders they both agreed they will probably NEVER do this again...lol.
You bet it was the "World's Best Cake!!!!" Did you hear that the cake pan will be Andrea's forever??? That cake pan rental place went out of business!! So if you are ever in need of a palm tree cake pan, you know where to look!
Now that is one CUTE cake! That was so nice of your friends to bake you a cake. Now you know me and you know I could never bake you a cake...but I would if I could...and it's the thought that counts, right?
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