Well since this year was my big 3-0 I would face it with great friends!!! Kyle and I drove up to GA for my birthday weekend. Kyle and the hubby's all went and played golf and had lunch together, while the wives went and had massages, pedicures, Thai food...yummy, and just some much needed gossip. Andrea, Becky and I just enjoyed the day not having anyone to worry about or think about besides ourselves, I had decided that my birthday was going to be the excuse for us to spoil ourselves for once instead of our kids.

Here we are starting our day at the spa...soo good.

That night we all got to go to dinner together to our favorite place La Parilla...pitchers of margarita's!

After they put the hat on they put my birthday dessert all over my face and shirt as you kind of still see there...red face a bit but still smiling( maybe it's the pitchers of Margarita's..)

Here we all are Becky, Justin,Chris,Kyle,Kim,Steven,Andrea and Me the birthday girl. I realize now as I get older birthday's aren't about how many people come or the gifts that you get. I have the best group of friends and they are truly the best gift a girl could ever ask for!!!