Thursday 2/19/09 Alyssa had surgery to have her adenoids removed and tubes put in her ears since we found out a couple months back that her ear drum was not working, this was an out patient procedure at the hospital, but still no parent wants to see their child have to go through anything if they can stop it. Kyle and I both watched as they took Alyssa down the hall to surgery and I felt like I could not breath until they told me she was in recovery and even then still not being able to see her was hard, but as you can see she did very well and once they gave her the "silly juice" she almost forgot where she was at.Daddy carried Alyssa out of the hospital
Alyssa getting all ready, she liked the gown

Mommy taking a picture with the star patient

Alyssa was watching a movie on Daddy's I pod and as you can see the "Silly juice" was starting to work, she thought her eye felt funny I guess.
At the end of the day Alyssa slept most of it and Kyle and I just felt emotionally drained and relaxed the rest of the night as well, I think if we could have traded places with her we would have but all in all she was braver then we ever could have been!
I'm so glad to hear that it all went well. I'm sure she won't remember much of it as she gets older but it will forever be stamped in your memory.
I know I'd be fine if I didn't have to go through any other surgeries with the girls!!!!
Thankfully I haven't had to go through any surgeries. I am glad all went well for Alyssa's! I hope her hearing gets better soon =)
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