So we decided to go to Sea World on Friday and get our annual passes. We knew we wanted to get it this year as we have enjoyed it in the past and since we thought the kids were a good age to enjoy. This morning was Alyssa's follow up with the Ear specialist and it is necessary for Alyssa to have the surgery to have her adenoids removed and tubes put in as her right ear drum is still not working and her hearing overall is about at a 60%. Even though this is a standard procedure it is still the thought of your child having surgery. So we were glad we were going to be having "family day" as the doctor's information set our mood for the day.
We hit the rides and Alyssa and Kyle went to get in line for
Shamu express (kiddie roller coaster) and Ethan and I were going to take pictures, well a few
minutes after the ride started I saw Kyle walking towards me and then saw Alyssa riding by herself. Kyle said just before they got on she told him he to go and said she was a BIG girl and could ride by herself. Kyle thought it was funny and said it sucks at the same time, while we are proud we are
raising her to be a strong willed girl, yet sad it is happening so fast. She was so happy though when she got off the
ride that she did it all by herself.

After that a little bit more low key we took Ethan on the sea horses carousel. He kept say "
whoooo" it was so funny, we had fun.

Of course we needed to stop and enjoy the view and have a little snack and the kids took this to be a great chance for them to be camera hams.

Alyssa and Ethan loved the sea lions they kept yelling at them to wake up, but no chance we did hear one burp though, which they thought was hilarious.

Well I guess we can say even though the day started out with a little bit of sadness all it took was a little bit of "family time" to make it all better. The kids fell asleep before we even got out of the parking lot and snuggled with their new toys Daddy help win them in the kiddie arcade area.
Looks like fun. Good to see your allowed to be back on SeaWorld premises again!
Paige was only 2 when she had her 2nd set of tubes put in, and her adnoids taken out. Be will feel your weakest when she comes out of anestesia, and doesn't know where she is. Mike broke down and had to leave recovery room. But, within the day, she was climbing on the couch and "slowly" running around the house.
Alyssa will be fine. If she's strong enough to ride the rollercoaster by herself, she'll survive a pinch in the ear ;)
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