On March 16
th 2003 Kyle and I were married. I can't believe it has been 7 years already. I meet Kyle 13 years ago and it just seems like time is moving so fast.
Since having the kids we have NEVER gone away just the two of us. We both work
full time and feel guilty about doing something for just "us". But we knew that we really needed the time to ourselves this year, so we went to
Ormond Beach for the weekend and had a GREAT time. It was still to cold to go into the water but we went out to dinner enjoyed a live band and just slept in!!!
I won't lie and say it has always been sunshine and roses, we have had some tough times, even times where I didn't think we were going to make it, but we did and still working on it but you have to take it like everything else...just one day at a time. I don't think that marriage should be hard, but it also is not easy. It is like everything else you achieve in life you have to work at it. Two people are not always going to agree and then throw 2 kids in the mix and good times!
I have learned a couple things about marriage over the past couple of years.
1. You have to love each other for the things that you like and don't like about the other person
2. If you don't say how you feel, then no one knows
3. Do not mess with the seat in the car
4.Going to bed mad is not a bad thing...sleep it off, tomorrow you will realize how dumb you are acting
5. Sometimes we do say things we don't mean
6. House work is never even...but neither is yard work
7. It
doesn't matter if our marriages is not like other people's
that's like comparing your kid to someone
Else's 8. You have to take time to be with each other, you are not
9. Giving up is NOT an option
10. Always say I love you.....you just never know