Sunday, March 28, 2010

Easter Bunny

So every year I take the kids to Millenia mall to have their picture with the Easter bunny and they have this great flower garden were they take a ton of pictures and put them all on a it.
I was really excited for this years picture since I figured Ethan would not be afraid of the Easter bunny. I was right!!! Alyssa just is so grown and Ethan is starting to grow into this little man. I adore them both so much and even though we had to wait in line for 1 1/2 hours I think the pictures were well worth it.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

And then there was 2......

On March 16th 2003 Kyle and I were married. I can't believe it has been 7 years already. I meet Kyle 13 years ago and it just seems like time is moving so fast.

Since having the kids we have NEVER gone away just the two of us. We both work full time and feel guilty about doing something for just "us". But we knew that we really needed the time to ourselves this year, so we went to Ormond Beach for the weekend and had a GREAT time. It was still to cold to go into the water but we went out to dinner enjoyed a live band and just slept in!!!

I won't lie and say it has always been sunshine and roses, we have had some tough times, even times where I didn't think we were going to make it, but we did and still working on it but you have to take it like everything else...just one day at a time. I don't think that marriage should be hard, but it also is not easy. It is like everything else you achieve in life you have to work at it. Two people are not always going to agree and then throw 2 kids in the mix and good times!

I have learned a couple things about marriage over the past couple of years.

1. You have to love each other for the things that you like and don't like about the other person
2. If you don't say how you feel, then no one knows
3. Do not mess with the seat in the car
4.Going to bed mad is not a bad thing...sleep it off, tomorrow you will realize how dumb you are acting
5. Sometimes we do say things we don't mean
6. House work is never even...but neither is yard work
7. It doesn't matter if our marriages is not like other people's
that's like comparing your kid to someone Else's
8. You have to take time to be with each other, you are not
9. Giving up is NOT an option
10. Always say I love just never know

Rough year for Ethan ......

Ok so I guess 2010 is not Ethan's year! Since he turned 3 years old int has been interesting to say the least.

This is the picture of Ethan's 2nd cast. He broke his radius and some how got the first one off and then I had to take him back to get another one. He wanted black this time he said to be like a pirate. If nothing else he has learned the value of a good bath. He was running from me because he did not want to take a bath and climbed up onto the couch to get away from me....lesson learned I hope, doubt it.

This was cast number 1 which he choose blue to be like Thomas. He was hiding his face because he just told me to take a picture of his cast, he said "I no like your pictures".....
So in February one night we noticed Ethan was breathing really hard so we took him to urgent care and he needed to be on breathing treatments for a week since he had a severe respiratory infection and were afraid he may have RSV.

He was not a fan of the breathing treatments but he did get better after the first couple of days and also so far so good, he is doing much better.Hopefully the rest of the year is not like it to early to start saying "coming on 2011?" lol


Alyssa is still trying to figure out what her "thing" is still. We did dance classes and well it was fun but not for her. So she said she wanted to try soccer, at first it was hard on her she told us she did not like to do all the running but towards the end I think she liked it.

Team Blizzards after the end of the season they came in 2nd place!! Alyssa was a little upset but we told her that she was the first runner up...that helped!

Alyssa and Coach Harris ....he was such a nice coach and really did his best to help the kids

When Alyssa first started it was such a fashion She had to have her hair done and bows had to match. She is still Alyssa I guess on the field or not.

Ethan Turns 3 years old!!!

Ethan turned 3 years old on January 30th.
Ethan is so full of energy, he can drive you crazy one second and then the next second have you laughing.His love for Thomas the train and cars can not be denied. He is a tough lil guy yet at the same time sweet as can be.

I wanted you before I conceived you, I loved you before I even knew you and within and hour of meeting you I knew I would die for you! I love you more then you will ever know. You are so loving and gentle and also a tough little boy. You bring so much happiness to everyone around you with your natural sense of humor. Your Dad and I are so proud of you and can't wait for what the future holds for you.

All our love,
Mom and Dad

My handsome little 3 year old
This year we did a party bus, which Ethan thought was so cool because he loves the school buses when we pass them in the morning

All the kids had to stretch and get ready before going onto the bus

Of course it was one of the coldest days but at least the bus was heated

The kids jumped right in to have fun and the people who helped on the bus were so much fun and the kids loved them

Of course only Ethan would have to do things his way....backwards of course. Everyone had a great time. Ethan still talks about "the school bus". Every year though it gets harder and harder to see my babies growing up so fast but I guess if nothing else I should be grateful that they are happy and healthy.

Christmas 2009

I know that my postings are late but I am trying to get caught up since I really hate the fact that i fell so far behind.

Christmas is one of my favortie holidays, not because of the gifts but because it forces us to stop WORKING...or whatever other excuses we come up with to not spend time with our families. It is when we sit down to eat that I enjoy must no one is in a rush to get to bed or go home just sit and chat.

Now for the kids it's all about the presents! So we have to get a big tree so Santa has plenty of room for all the gifts...according to Alyssa.

We have a tradition that every Christmas eve we read the night before Christmas then go to sleep. I did this when I was a kid and love that i can pass on some traditions of mine to my kids.

This was the first year Ethan was all into it and could open his gifts on his own he did really good.

Ethan is in love with trains and cars. I guess the toys get alittle more complicated too since Daddy and Grandpa had to jump in and help Ethan put together his train set.

Alyssa is really into Fancy Nancy so she was loving the crown and reading the books and pretending to be like her =)

Halloween 2009

So every year we take the kids to Sea World, they always have the cutest photo spots and the candy is always the best.....but I guess the economy has hurt SW as well. I was very disappointed this year, the candy was still ok but they cut back on alot of the decorations. I understand maybe things are tight for them too but the thing is I bragged about it and how great it was and well not so great this year.

Alyssa was princess Jasmine and Ethan was a Colts player. He was actually a Dalmatian which was super cute but it was way to hot to wear that so we worked with what we had at home =). The kids had a great time and if anything it was another successful family fun day!!